Some GEEKSOAP Re-designs
Whew! It’s been busy around here at The Pink Toque. Firstly, I’m on Spring Break! In case you didn’t realize, teachers get just as excited about breaks as their students do. I’m really enjoying the time off because it means I can focus on getting ready for the Bloomington Handmade Market coming up a week from today. One full week to prep soap and all of the accessories and extras I need to have at the table setup. Like a sign, which I plan to hand paint this weekend. And more business cards. And more soap wrapper tags…
You’d think that I’d be most busy preparing stock for the show instead of re-designing some of the old soap styles, but nooooo…. I’ve been too busy re-doing some of the previous designs AND adding a bit to them to round out the GEEKSOAP geeky soap line. Most notably adding an Alliance version to the Warcraft GEEKSOAP series. And let me tell you… making the Alliance geek soap was a pain in the you-know-what… just like the Alliance are in-game. Heh heh heh :) (I crack myself up.) So feast your eyes upon the re-designs here… instead of colored soap with a black silhouette I’ve reoworked them to be clear like the majority of the GEEKSOAP line with colored, hand carved and cut images inside. I like it better this way and am really happy with how the re-designs turned out. And ooooooh that Cthulhu re-design was my absolute favorite! Cthulhu, as some of you remember, was the first GEEKSOAP in the series that inspired more… and the old design was great, but with the new “angrier eyebrows”, the NEW design is even better – don’t you think?
As always, all of my geeky soaps are available in my Etsy Shop! http://www.geeksoap.net !
Besides getting ready for the BHM next week, I’m also prepping for the Handmade Promenade on April 17, (Check out Handmade Promenade’s GEEKSOAP feature!!) and GenCon Indy from August 5 – 8. WOW! More about those upcoming shows in a later post. And before I go… quick shout out to some other geeky crafty soapmaking ladies I’ve met this past week… GeekyClean and KyleeLane! xoxo

Hype Machine GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Become one with your favorite music and spread the love with Hype Machine GEEKSOAP geeky soap.
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Size: 5oz bar with dimensions of 3″x2.5″x1.25″
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Congratulations, GEEKSOAP Contest Winners!
Special congratulations today to the two winners of free GEEKSOAP geek soap! As described in the previous post, we here at GEEKSOAP were giving away some free bars of our geeky soap to two lucky winners: one at random chosen from both the ContestMachine entry form and the Twitter entries.
And the winners are……
Entry Form: Susan Francis
Twitter: Mathew_Ladd
Congratulations to both winners! Confirmation emails (and tweets) were sent out to both parties requesting their mailing information and which bar of geeky soap they would like from any of my designs. Please check the Portfolio for the complete list, or my shop at http://www.geeksoap.net. If the bar you chose isn’t clear, you can also select a custom soap color to use. Please email your address and GEEKSOAP choice to Lesley (at) ThePinkToque (dot) com ASAP! Free bars of geek soap will go out no later than Monday, March 29 (assuming both parties have replied by then.) If one or both do not respond, I’ll pick new winners after Monday.
Thanks for your participation – your entires provided some valuable insight on my stock and have given me some ideas for new GEEKSOAP designs to play with in the future. If you didn’t win this time don’t fret! I’ll have more free geek soap giveaways later :)
Stay tuned… after these messages I have an update on the latest geeky soap designs unveiled this past week and new venues where you can find GEEKSOAP locally in the upcoming months.

D20 Massage GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any geekier when it comes to combining D20 dice and soap… GEEKSOAP introduces the latest in awesome geek soap: The D20 Massage Soap!
This is one of THREE D20 bars in the GEEKSOAP line:
See my GIANT D20 soap
See my embedded D20 soap
I start with a heavenly all natural oatmeal-based bar that moisturizes and relieves itchy skin. Then I add extra awesome by embedding four small (actual sized!) D20 dice soaps that protrude from the top of the bar to act as massaging nodules. The mini D20 dice soaps massage away the stresses of your busy day while the oatmeal soothes your skin… how can it get any more perfect (geeky) than that? With the 20 side of the mini D20 soaps always facing up on these massage bars, you’re guaranteed to score four critical hits against sore muscles and dry skin.
My unique D20 Massage GEEKSOAP weighs 6oz and has the dimensions of roughly 3″x3″x2″. The mini D20 soaps are approximately 1″ in diameter each. The mold was custom designed and created by me so you can be sure that your soap is lovingly handmade and 100% one-of-a-kind. There’s no other D20 soap out there like it!
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Embedded D20 GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
My D20 GEEKSOAP always scores a critical hit against bad body odor. Because even D&D players need to pull themselves away from the game every once in awhile to bathe…
This is one of THREE D20 bars in the GEEKSOAP line:
See my GIANT D20 soap
See my D20 Massage soap
These bars of GEEKSOAP are 3″x3″x1.25″ and weigh 5 ounces (plus dice.)
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Because even IRC scripting geeks need to pull themselves away from their computer every once in awhile to bathe…
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Size: 6.5oz bar with the dimensions of 3″x3″x1.25″
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Blog Platform GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Now you can keep on blogging even in the shower by taking your favorite blog platform with you… IN SOAP! Blogger, WordPress, and Typepad is featured in this Blog Platform GEEKSOAP series. Because even bloggers need to pull themselves away from their computer every once in awhile to bathe…
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Size: 5 – 6.5oz bar depending on shape, with the dimensions of 3″x3″x1.25″
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Contest: Free GEEKSOAP Giveaway!
Woohoo, a contest! There’s been lots of new, big changes to celebrate here at The Pink Toque lately. In celebration of the new Binary 3D GEEKSOAP Massage Soap, GEEKSOAP’s recent switch to the new mold designs (bigger and better!) and the blog’s move over to the new domain here at THEpinktoque.com, I’m giving away some FREE GEEKSOAP! Two winners will be chosen at random, and winners will receive their choice of one free bar from my GEEKSOAP line. Completely 100% free – no shipping, no charges, no nothing… just FREE geeky soap showing up in your mailbox! There’s two ways to enter, so be sure to up your chances to win by entering both ways :)
How To Enter:
1. Complete the official contest entry form:
All you have to do is tell me your favorite GEEKSOAP design AND/OR suggest a NEW GEEKSOAP design you’d like to see in the future along with your name and email. Never fear – email addresses are required for winner notification purposes only; your privacy is safe by entering!
2. Twitter. All you have to do is tweet this message: RT @geeksoap I am entering to #win a #FREE bar of GEEKSOAP http://www.geeksoap.net #geek #soap #contest #handmade #etsy. You can tweet this message once per day every day of the contest to up your chances of winning!
I will be choosing two winners at random from all entries next Thursday, March 25, after 12pm/noon EST. One winner will be chosen at random from the entries via the contest entry form, and one entry will be chosen at random from all of the tweeted entries. Each person will be notified ASAP Thursday, March 25 after 12pm/noon EST and be given the opportunity to pick one GEEKSOAP design for free as their prize! The free GEEKSOAP will be shipped to the winners no later than Monday, March 29. Contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only, sorry!
Multiple entries are allowed on the ContestMachine entry form if you have multiple suggestions for new GEEKSOAP ideas, or just can’t pick one favorite. Multiple entries via Twitter are allowed as long as you limit yourself to one RT per day. Good luck to everyone who enters!
Having issues with the contest entry form widget above? Click HERE to go to the official contest page on ContestMachine to enter instead.
Need more details about GEEKSOAP? It’s vegan friendly and lovingly handmade by yours truly. You can find the ingredients listing on any of the bars on display in the soap Portfolio. GEEKSOAP comes shrink wrapped to protect and seal in the freshness. It makes a lovely gift and/or novelty item for decorating your bathroom or other space, but works equally well for its original intended purpose: washing! Creates fantastic bubbly suds but rinses completely free of residue for an awesome geeky clean you can’t get anywhere else. Leaves your skin feeling soft :) Winners can choose your free GEEKSOAP bar from any of the designs posted in my soap Portfolio or on Etsy. If applicable to the bar you’ve chosen, you may also specify a custom soap color. Your chances of winning depend on the number of entries per method of entry (two separate methods of entry – the entry form and Twitter).
GOOD LUCK and happy washing :)

GMail GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Because even geeks need to pull themselves away from their computer every once in awhile to bathe… now you can take your favorite email client with you!
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Size: 6.5oz bar with the dimensions of 3″x3″x1.25″
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark. Both GMail and Android soap designs were based on works created and shared by Google Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

GEEKSOAP Just Got Bigger and Better…
GEEKSOAP just got bigger AND better? You heard right! As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I had been toying with the idea of upgrading my soap molds to produce bigger and better GEEKSOAP bars for a bit. Â After a little work, I found that the new molds produce more ounces of pure geeky goodness per bar and I’m really happy with the results of this weekend’s experimentation. So much so, that GEEKSOAP has officially had a facelift! While the old bars were fantastic at 3 oz each, the NEW bars are even better at a whopping 5 oz each, and depending on shape, some are even as big as 6.5 oz each! That’s more than double the weight of the old bars!
So this weekend I was hard at work remaking all the major soaps in the GEEKSOAP line using the new molds. Never fear, though, the geeky designs inside have NOT changed except to be a little bigger so as to fit better in their new dimensions. The results were pure perfection, as you can see in the photo. I photographed all of the new bars and updated my Etsy Shop listings to reflect the changes. Now what do you suppose I should do with any of the old bar style stock I have lying around my house? HAVE A SALE, OF COURSE! Hurry on over to the On Sale section of my Etsy Shop to see all of the smaller bars of GEEKSOAP that I have on sale to help clear space for new bars, while supplies last! I can’t promise they’ll last long, though… four bars have sold today already!
GEEKSOAP is not the only thing around here that got a facelift this weekend, though. You may also have noticed that the craft blog has been moved to be housed here on the portfolio site domain, www.THEpinktoque.com. Â This will be the craft blog’s new home, and while we are working to have redirects set up to send those who have the old craft blog links to us over here, I will not continue to update over on the old domain so be sure to update your bookmarks if you haven’t noticed the change! Moving the craft blog over to THEpinktoque.com has allowed me to consolidate all of my crafty goodness in one place.
To celebrate GEEKSOAP’s facelift and the blog move to the new domain, I’ll be putting together a contest to give away some free GEEKSOAP later this week. I hope to time it with a new design I’ve been hard at work trying to create and cannot wait to release! I think you’ll love what’s in store for TPT and GEEKSOAP!
Thank you to all of those who have purchased GEEKSOAP and my other handmade wares on Etsy so far – I truly appreciate your business and hope that the consolidation of my crafty work and blog in one place will make it easier for me to concentrate on continuing to create the very best in handmade goods for you.
Stay tuned for contest details and a new GEEKSOAP design later this week! Until then…