GEEKSOAP Just Got Bigger and Better…

GEEKSOAP just got bigger AND better? You heard right! As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I had been toying with the idea of upgrading my soap molds to produce bigger and better GEEKSOAP bars for a bit. Â After a little work, I found that the new molds produce more ounces of pure geeky goodness per bar and I’m really happy with the results of this weekend’s experimentation. So much so, that GEEKSOAP has officially had a facelift! While the old bars were fantastic at 3 oz each, the NEW bars are even better at a whopping 5 oz each, and depending on shape, some are even as big as 6.5 oz each! That’s more than double the weight of the old bars!
So this weekend I was hard at work remaking all the major soaps in the GEEKSOAP line using the new molds. Never fear, though, the geeky designs inside have NOT changed except to be a little bigger so as to fit better in their new dimensions. The results were pure perfection, as you can see in the photo. I photographed all of the new bars and updated my Etsy Shop listings to reflect the changes. Now what do you suppose I should do with any of the old bar style stock I have lying around my house? HAVE A SALE, OF COURSE! Hurry on over to the On Sale section of my Etsy Shop to see all of the smaller bars of GEEKSOAP that I have on sale to help clear space for new bars, while supplies last! I can’t promise they’ll last long, though… four bars have sold today already!
GEEKSOAP is not the only thing around here that got a facelift this weekend, though. You may also have noticed that the craft blog has been moved to be housed here on the portfolio site domain, Â This will be the craft blog’s new home, and while we are working to have redirects set up to send those who have the old craft blog links to us over here, I will not continue to update over on the old domain so be sure to update your bookmarks if you haven’t noticed the change! Moving the craft blog over to has allowed me to consolidate all of my crafty goodness in one place.
To celebrate GEEKSOAP’s facelift and the blog move to the new domain, I’ll be putting together a contest to give away some free GEEKSOAP later this week. I hope to time it with a new design I’ve been hard at work trying to create and cannot wait to release! I think you’ll love what’s in store for TPT and GEEKSOAP!
Thank you to all of those who have purchased GEEKSOAP and my other handmade wares on Etsy so far – I truly appreciate your business and hope that the consolidation of my crafty work and blog in one place will make it easier for me to concentrate on continuing to create the very best in handmade goods for you.
Stay tuned for contest details and a new GEEKSOAP design later this week! Until then…