FPS / TPS Gamer GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
By fan request… first/third person shooter gamer soap! Featuring Halo and Gears of War; perfect for that boost you need after an all night gaming session!
GEEKSOAP is handmade from vegan friendly, hypoallergenic ingredients and comes generously scented with Boom Headshot! to ensure an invigorating clean that’ll leave you feeling confident and ready to pull another all-nighter with your console.
Size: 5oz bar with the dimensions of 3″x3″x1.25″ (Gears of War) or 3.5″ x 1.25″ (Halo)
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!
Introducing Soapstone GEEKSOAP!
Ahhhhh… I’m back in Indiana after a 10 day hiatus to Canada with a little time spent in Seattle, WA along the way. Lucas and I had a fantastic time and spent our anniversary in a beautiful bed and breakfast on the ocean near Victoria, BC on Vancouver Island to kick off our Canada Summer 2010 Tour. After a few days of relaxing we headed over to stay with family in Vancouver and see the city, followed by a pass through Chilliwack and on to the wonderful Penticton, BC, where Lucas grew up. We enjoyed some beach time and got to see family and friends there, too. We flew in and out of Seattle, WA, so we made sure to head back to Seattle a day and a half before our flight so that we could experience all of the fun that downtown and the waterfront had to offer. We seriously could’ve used another couple days there. What a great time!
Of course, being gone for 10 days meant I had a huge backlog of orders waiting for my personal attention when I returned, and I truly appreciate everyone for being so understanding with me being out of the country and all! I’ve gotten back on schedule right away, and I’m working on your orders as quickly as I can. :) And getting right back into the swing of prepping for Gen Con. Can you believe it’s just over a month away! Still lots of soapy goodness to work on, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
So… let’s introduce my newest soap already. (It’s like I can read your mind, right?) *drum roll* … Introducing the Soapstone! Some backstory first, k? I have had a very lengthy relationship with WoW, dating back to January 2005. (I tried EQ2 in Nov 2004 first… you can see how long that lasted since I had moved on by January.) Besides just plain playing, I’ve been featured twice on the official World of Warcraft website front page, and for over 2 years I wrote for Mentor Media/38 Studios as a paid staff writer and then editor with the Azeroth Advisor. I had a brief stint with WoWHead but was too busy to keep up and had taken a break from the game for a bit. I’ve taken breaks off and on in the more than 5 years I’ve played, but Azeroth always calls me back… and my most recent return brings the Soapstone along with it. Lucky you!
The concept of this soap design in particular is nothing new – I’ve always been inspired by ManaPrincess/Amethyst Soap and their hearthstone designs, but for the longest time I kept telling my customers I’d not make one because it had “already been done before.” I take great pride in the fact that ALL of my previous soap designs are unique and original – not only in the construction of how I do some of my signature soap, but before me there was no such thing as Dr. Who soap, or Game Cartridge soap. Or D20 Soap on a Rope, or Cthulhu soap… just to give a few of the many examples. Then it was brought to my attention that these crafty people were no longer creating and/or selling their hearthstone soap. That’s when I approached the previous makers because I wanted to create my own vision that depicted what *I* thought a hunk of carved stone would look and smell like. This means I’m not competing with either person’s sales or trying to take any of the credit for their idea. Special thanks to Margaret of Amethyst Soap – she has been a completely amazing person to work with as I designed my own unique handcarved version. Her support meant a lot in my quest to capture the essence of “home” in a bar of soap. Â Thankfully I completed the quest successfully, and was rewarded with an epic shower and smelling great. Yes!
Anyway, even though I’m busy busy busy I couldn’t resist unveiling something new. I love it. :) There’s more new stuff coming very soon – my Baththulhu Cthulhu Bath Mitt (which will make the fourth of my original Cthulhu designs!) comes out Monday and is part of a giveaway over at Cthulhu Chick plus I have at least 2 other completely new and original soap designs you won’t find anywhere else headed your way in the coming weeks. Once I work out the kinks with them and get around to casting molds hehe. :)
OH! And before I forget… I’ve been tweeting about it, but want to make sure I cover it wherever I can… my Ninja Turtle GEEKSOAP Guest Soap set is ready to be released, but instead of just releasing it per usual, I’ve given my friend Tommy over at @SaturdayMorning (Saturday Morning Central) the very first set to give away in a fun TMNT contest they’re hosting! So not only do I have the new Soapstone out and 2 new soaps announced on the way, I am also finally debuting the Ninja Turtle soap via contest! Once the winner has received their set from Saturday Morning Central’s contest, I’ll release the soap in my store so it can finally be made available to the masses. :) Get over there and enter the contest already, you know you want to!
Thanks for all of your love and support! It’s people like YOU and the awesome comments and stories you send my way that keep inspiring me to make more and be the best that I can be for you, the customer. Thanks! <3

Soapstone GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
There’s no place like home… and now you can bubble and hearth your way out of dirty, sticky situations with my latest GEEKSOAP creation: the Soapstone!
This fantastic handcarved soap is lovingly handmade one-at-a-time from all natural ingredients enriched with aloe and vitamin E. No two Soapstones are ever exactly alike, though all are intentionally designed to look realistically like roughly carved stone.
Each Soapstone bar emits a fresh & tropical coconut lime verbena fragrance that’ll bring the lush, clear water beaches of Stranglethorn Vale right to your shower, without the hassle of pesky jungle trolls of course.
Soapstones weigh approximately 5oz; they’re wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep them on display until you’re ready to use them. And as always, GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Disclaimer: Not responsible for your impending addiction to showering instead of raiding. (Sorry, guildies.) Once you smell the intoxicating awesome of using my Soapstone soap, you won’t be able to put it down, either.
Unlike the rest of the GEEKSOAP line, the concept of this soap design is not new. Special thanks to ManaPrincess/Ladykildare and Amethyst Soap for their inspiration & support as I set about to handcarve my own interpretation of what I thought a hunk of magical stone would look and smell like in their absence. This means I’m not competing with their sales nor trying to claim credit for their fantastic idea. :) Margaret of Amethyst Soap has been a dream to work with on creating my own unique version, and you should check out her amazing goodies on Etsy.
This is just one series design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Mystery Block GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
You never know what’s in store when you break a mystery block, but it almost always equals something good to give you a boost just when you need it most. Need to feel a little bigger? Maybe you’d love to have some firepower or the ability to fly? Now you can take that super boost with you in the shower with my Mystery Block soap. Jump start your day with an advantage over the baddies!
Mystery Block GEEKSOAP bars are handmade one-at-a-time from all natural ingredients enriched with aloe and vitamin E. They are generously scented with deliciously clean scents: the old school version (orange) is a warm pumpkin spice, while the modern version (yellow) smells of cool and refreshing lemon. They’ll come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Mystery Block GEEKSOAP bars weigh approximately 6.5 ounces and have the dimensions of 3″x3″x1″
The molds were custom designed and created by me so you can be sure that your soap is lovingly handmade and 100% one-of-a-kind. You won’t find soap like it anywhere else!
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!
In Which We Celebrate 2 Months
Only two months?! Yesterday, April 23, was the 2-months-in-business anniversary for GEEKSOAP; it’s hard to believe with as much growth and business as we’ve had that it’s only been two short months since the very first bar of GEEKSOAP was sold. (It was one of the Cthulhu soaps, the first design version, by the way, over on Etsy.) GEEKSOAP exploded, thanks to fans like YOU, in such a small amount of time, and we are loving it!
Some of the newer readers may not know it, but The Pink Toque has been around since October 30, 2006 selling hand sewn bags (at first) and knit and crochet items (later), and also giving away freebie digital scrapbooking designs along the way. I’ve come a long way. It was late May/early June 2009 when I made my very first geeky soap – a Batman design to give as a gift to my friend Michelle for her birthday. At the time it was just a one-off and not something I was going to continue with, but about 8 months later I was crocheting yet another of my Cthulhu toques and suddenly had the idea to make Cthulhu soap… and so I put together what I learned about making that Batman soap and started creating Cthulhu soap. And then suddenly the flood gates opened and it seemed like the sky was the limit. The rest is history; in a short month or so there were over a dozen GEEKSOAP designs with more on the horizon, and then I released the biggies: the D20 Soap on a Rope (March 29) which was even mentioned & linked on the Wizards of the Coast website (THE DnD site, for those not in the know) and the Game Cartridge soaps. (April 16). You know the rest!
But seriously, I need to thank the fans and customers; I’d not be here if it weren’t for you! In celebration, please use the discount code 2MONTHS for 10% off of every single item in the store at http://www.geeksoap.net for the next week! Early customers with the original designs in the 3oz bars will be happy to see that in the short 2 months we’ve been around that GEEKSOAP has grown not only as a business, but the soaps have grown, too. New designs, bigger bars (without a bigger price!) and all kinds of upgrades to GEEKSOAP in general because we learned from early business. A very special thank you to the earliest customers who bought the old school designs from what now seems like a tiny brand-spankin’-new, inexperienced business that had a lot to learn. We never dreamed we’d be as big as we are now and the demand helped us grow as a company to better serve YOU. Because at the end of the day, it really is all about the customer. Your happiness is the most important aspect of what I do; I want you to love GEEKSOAP as much as I do! Â Thank you all so very much <3
So what’s next? Well GEEKSOAP will be at Gen Con Indy this summer, from August 5 – 8. When we signed up, we were only about two weeks old as a company, and we chose an Art Show booth to be safe, as we had no idea how huge we would get so quickly. Â The Art Show booths aren’t very big, but we truly feel like we’ve got something unique that the masses are going to love and we’re going to bring plenty of stock; we don’t need a ton of space to sell it. Had we known how big GEEKSOAP would become in such a short time, perhaps we would’ve gone as exhibitors instead. *shrug* I don’t mind; next year we’ll look into exhibitor booths, but this year with GEEKSOAP being a brand new infant of a company, I’m just excited to be participating at all. Â I know our sales will be awesome and I am really looking forward to meeting and chatting with fellow gamer geeks. Please be sure to stop by and say hi in the Art Show Hall! Free hugs and super amazingly geeky soap to be had by all!
I mentioned the Game Cartridge soaps earlier in this post, but I have yet to formally “announce” them here on the blog. In case you missed them, check out my Game Cartridge GEEKSOAPs over on my portfolio; I created molds of classic, retro gaming cartridges that just about anyone can easily recognize. So far, they come in 8-bit, 16-bit, and 64-bit varieties, with other varieties coming soon. As a natural companion to the bigger cartridge bars, I also have created an 8-bit Handheld Game Cartridge Guest Soap variety that looks like little Gameboy cartridges. They’re perfect for travel or sitting on the sink in your guest bathroom. I’m currently working on a large set of the Handhelds as wedding favors for an engaged pair of GEEKSOAP fans out there – so exciting! In the past 24 hours, my Game Cartridge soaps have been featured on over 10 different websites, so welcome to all of the new fans who are dropping in for the first time! <3 Want to win some Game Cartridge soap? Stop by and see my friends at Nerd Approved & enter their contest to win a large cartridge of your choice, which comes with a free Handheld version, too! :D
Oh, and don’t forget to fan us on Facebook, follow me on Twitter @geeksoap, and let me know if you have any questions – I’d love to accommodate geeky special requests for you. <3 Have a great weekend!

Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Relive your favorite classic gaming adventures in the tub with my Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP! This series of gaming cartridge soap packs 8-bit, 16-bit, or 64-bit power in every shower! Its natural companion is the Handheld Game Cartridge Guest Soap… the mini 8-Bit version that’s perfect for travel or your guest bathroom sink.
NEW in the series: Retro 2600 Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars… a parody replica rom cartridge of our favorite 1977 console.
NEWER in the series: Classic SG 16-Bit Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars. The 16-bit equivalent from that other console.
Bonus: you won’t need to blow on these cartridges to get them to work.
GEEKSOAP Game Cartridge bars are handmade one-at-a-time from all natural ingredients enriched with aloe and vitamin E. The grey bars are generously scented with an incredibly refreshing lime mint fragrance while the black bars are scented with a sultry unisex black amber musk fragrance, and all bars come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
The molds were custom designed and created by me so you can be sure that your soap is lovingly handmade and 100% one-of-a-kind. You won’t find soap like it anywhere else!
The 64-Bit Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars weigh a touch over 5 ounces and have the dimensions of 4″x3″x1.1″.
The 8-Bit Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars weigh a little over 9 ounces (That’s nearly double all of my other GEEKSOAP bars!) with the dimensions of 4.25″x5.5″x0.75″. These are HUGE!
The 16-Bit Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars weigh around 8 ounces (That’s pretty darn big!) with the dimensions of 5.25″x3.5″x0.75″. That’s like 2 of my D20 Soap on a Rope bars!
The Handheld Game Cartridge Guest Soap bars weigh approximately 1.5 ounces and have the dimensions of 2.25″x2.5″x0.75″.
The Retro 2600 Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars weigh around 5 ounces with the dimensions of 4″x3.25″x0.75″.
The SG 16-Bit Game Cartridge GEEKSOAP bars weigh approximately 5 ounces with the dimensions of 4.25″x3.25″x0.75″.
These bars are 100% solid soap through and through, which means the soap versions weigh more than the real thing… but good luck telling the difference between the soap and the real cartridges!
This is just one series design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: No company names are used on any of these products, they are simply parody replicas and not meant to confuse or mislead customers, or infringe on design patents. (Which they do not.) Not endorsed or licensed merchandise.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Pac-Man GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Universally considered THE classic video game, Pac-Man is a 1980s pop culture phenomenon that you can now take in the shower with you! This GEEKSOAP features Pac-Man with two tasty pac-dots, accompanied by a little pixelated ghost. This is one video game icon you can’t go wrong with in the bath.
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with invigorating eucalyptus mint and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
These bars weigh 5oz and have the dimensions of 3.5″x2.5″x1.25″.
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Zelda Triforce GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
“It can only be called fate… That here, I would again gather the three with the crests… That I should lay my hand on that which grants the wishes of the beholder. That when power, wisdom, and courage come together, the gods would have no choice but to come down… The power of the gods… The Triforce! He who touches it will have whatever he desires granted!”
Take the golden sacred triangles of the Legend of Zelda Triforce (Power, Wisdom, and Courage) with you in the shower and may all your wishes come true.
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
This bar weighs 5oz and has the dimensions of 3″x3″x1.25″.
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My fun soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Warcraft Horde & Alliance GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
World of Warcraft soap! Now in Horde or Alliance flavors. Wait, don’t eat them… that was just an expression. Because even gaming geeks need to pull themselves away from Azeroth every once in awhile to bathe…
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My GEEKSOAP soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!

Pac-Man GEEKSOAP Geek Soap
Pac-Man soap! The ultimate 80’s game we all know and love comes alive in soap. My lovely friend Veronica, who suggested Pac-Man as a GEEKSOAP idea, is the inspiration for this fantastic set of gaming goodness.
Because even geeks need to pull themselves away from their games every once in awhile to bathe…
GEEKSOAP is handmade from natural, pure vegetable glycerin and moisturizers, enriched with aloe and vitamin E. Soaps are lightly scented with a clean, invigorating smell and come shrink-wrapped to seal in freshness and allow you to keep the soap on display until you’re ready to use it. GEEKSOAP is vegan friendly!
Size: 5 – 6.5oz bar depending on shape, with the dimensions of at least 3″x3″x1.25″
This is just one design of many in my GEEKSOAP line. Check out the Soap category for more. My GEEKSOAP soaps are available for purchase at http://www.geeksoap.net
Please Note: Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers.These fan inspired versions are NOT to be confused with licensed merchandise. My interpretation of these designs are lovingly created and carved by hand and are not intended to mislead or confuse the customer OR infringe on the manufacturer’s/designer’s name and valuable trademark.
GEEKSOAP is geek soap for the internet. Soap for geeks; just pure geeky soap!