Wolf Hat and Tooth Pillow Pocket
So what’s new? This weekend I finished two projects for friends, a Wolf Ear Hat and a little tooth pillow with a pocket.
A good friend, Nanaki (Shane), requested a wolf ear hat, and so I immediately remembered a tutorial I’d seen on Craftster here. I then set to work on making a wolf ear hat, and this is my finished result! It’s made from soft fuzzy polar fleece in a mottled gray and white pattern and soft pink inner ears that are hand sewn in. I hope he likes it! (Model in this photo is Lucas, he was so kind to help me by modeling the finished hat so I could photograph it before I sent it off.)
A friend and coworker has a daughter that is just itching to lose her first tooth; it should be happening anytime now! To help prepare, I designed this little tooth shaped pillow that has a front pocket built in that looks like a mouth, so she can safely keep her first (and future) loose teeth protected for the Tooth Fairy’s visit. I can’t wait to give this to her :)
That’s about it for now, I’ve got some upcoming sewing projects to do, but I just received my official Alberta Professional Teaching Certification, so I’m busy in my spare time getting my teaching portfolio dusted off and ready to go for interviews so I can teach next school year. It’s all so exciting!
Future plans in the sewing realm include a toque section on my store website to sell handmade fleece hats (toques) this season, and a couple of Canadian-related specialty items that I’ve got rolling around in my head. Until next time…
I just love the tooth pillow. Do you have a pattern that you could post?
Looking for the knit pattern for the tooth pillow to make for my grandchildren. Could you please post that pattern. Thanks, Sunny
Sorry, it’s not a knit pattern. All I did was go to google images and look at teeth and then I drew a large tooth shape on a piece of paper. I used that as my “pattern” and cut two from white fleece. I stitched all the way around except between the “legs” and flipped it inside out (rightside out) and then stuffed. I added the facial features in the form of felt. Just little felt circles for eyes and cheeks. The mouth is a big semi-circle made from pink fleece, and I stitched all the way around except for the top, so it would be open and be like a pocket. I have moved and no longer have the tooth I drew on paper and used for my pattern, but that’s what I did to make the sewing pattern myself.
I was surfing the net today and found your blog. It’s interesting and fun to read. That’s an awesome tooth pillow. We won’t be needing one for a few years yet, but a great idea. I’m sure your friend will love it.
I have a site where I provide craft ideas for pillows and pillow forms. I thought it might be mutually beneficial if we swapped blogroll links.
Please take a look at my site and see if it’s something you might be interested in. http://pillowforminfo.com If you are at all interested please shoot me an email and let me know the text you want me to use in your link. I’ll get it up right away and then send you the text for my link.
Look forward to hearing from you.