Home Sewing Update on Stuffie Dog Prototype

Update on Stuffie Dog Prototype

Posted in Sewing , on March 1, 2007 , 2 Comments

So after some suggestions on craftster, dA and from friends, I decided to try out arms/legs on the prototype.

Someone told me that without arms/legs/something that it kinda just looked like a golf club cover. We want to steer clear of that connotation! So here is my first go at it with only arms:

I was still getting the “golf club cover” vibe, so I tried adding feet, too.
I think this looks much better! I don’t know what it is, but with these arms/feet he seems to suddenly have more character than a “cover for something” … I think I like the arms and feet combo best so far.

And name suggestions so far have been “stuffiepups” and “logdogs”.

Any thoughts?

2 Responses to “Update on Stuffie Dog Prototype”

  1. ~CraftyMummy2two~ says:

    Roof-Rex.. LOL I dunno Im terrivble with naming things.. I love they way it looks.. Like I said On craftster I WANT ONE lol

  2. Toque (Lesley) says:

    do you have a dog? you should tell me what it looks like… ;)