New GEEKSOAP Storefront & lots more NEW stuff!
The new storefront is live! For most of you that use the address to satisfy your geeky soap cravings, you’ll experience a nice smooth transition over to the new storefront at now. While I like Etsy, the fees were honestly just getting too out of control, and I think BigCartel will meet a lot of my needs better with the volume of soap we’re selling as of late. If you’re using the Etsy address to find GEEKSOAP, all you have to do now is remember a nice and simple address instead:! I currently have some GEEKSOAP up on Etsy and won’t be taking it down until it sells out or expires over there, but I will be promoting the new storefront instead and hope you will, too :) Really and truly not much has changed since I’ve been using to direct to Etsy and it’s been the address I’ve been giving out all along. Head on over and check out the new layout!
Speaking of NEW – there’s NEW geeky soap up, too! Lock up your kitties because GEEKSOAP has unleashed… DOMO KUN! Isn’t he seriously cute? These bars are featured in a 6.5oz weight and smell like honey almond and awesome. For real.
Also NEW is that the D20 Soap On A Rope now comes in a new color – solid black. Which, honestly looks incredibly amazing if you ask me. Super sweet! So in addition to all of the previous colors and oatmeal formula, you have a new color option. Of course you could always just live on the edge and select a random color at checkout and let me surprise you with a D20 soap of my color fancy. That’s always fun! Pictured is a solid black D20 Soap On A Rope and an oatmeal formula.
Want more NEW?! Of course you do. There’s also a NEW “flavor” of binary bar now available — Lemon Poppyseed! These were a huge hit at the Bloomington Handmade Market and I think you’ll also love how lemony delicious this unique massaging bar with raised 1s and 0s is. This refreshing lemon scented bar is heavenly. It features real poppyseeds throughout, which adds a gentle scrubbing property to this soothing bar. A great exfoliant! Grab one now over at! You’ll only see one listing for the Binary Bar now – but that one listing provides a drop down menu that will let you select which formula you wish to purchase: solid color/fresh linen, oatmeal and honey, oatmeal and coffee scrub, or lemon poppyseed scrub. Enjoy!
Bloomington Handmade Market goers that grabbed a business card and are looking to buy more geeky soap, the promo code on the back of your card has been implemented at the new storefront… which means if you enter it during the checkout process now it will automatically deduct the discount for you. This is a huge improvement over the long round-about way that I’d provide discounts via Etsy. No need for special listings or anything – just enter the code when checking out and score! <3
I know there was a lot of NEW stuff to cover in this email but it gets even better… stay tuned at the end of this week/early next week when GEEKSOAP unveils a new geeky soap in the works! I can’t wait :)
Geeky GEEKSOAP News & Updates!
Oh man, it’s been a busy busy week around here! This past week was my Spring Break and with the Bloomington Handmade Market coming up, I spent most of the week slaving away over making as much fun, fantastic geeky soap as I could to be ready in time for the show. The good news is that the BHM was a HUGE success and Lucas and I sold loads of soap and met lots of great people :) The bad news is… well there was no bad news! :D
Around Wednesday of last week my D20 Soap On A Rope was featured on CRAFTzine and the orders started pouring in. Then it was featured on GEEKOLOGIE. Then it was even featured on the Wizards of the Coast website… THE official DnD website! As you can imagine, orders started increasing exponentially. It’s  full of so much awesome and win! I’m finally caught up, got a system down, and we’re making D20 Soap On A Rope like crazy around here and loving every minute of it. Lots of other GEEKSOAP began getting featured around the Interwebs after that, and needless to say, we’re busy. It’s great! Welcome to all of the new fans and customers. We’re looking forward to providing you with fabulous geeky soap :)
With the huge increase in orders it occurred to me that Etsy just isn’t going to work anymore. The fees are getting out of control with fees every time I list any quantity of GEEKSOAP products, plus the fees taken out from each sale… I needed a better solution. My good geeky soapmaking girlie friend, @KyleeLane, suggested BigCartel as a better site, as did several others. (P.S. KyleeLane is AMAZING, by the way… go check her out NAO!) GEEKSOAP is in the process of getting all set up over there and within the week I’ll make the switch entirely. Never fear, though… as long as you’re using as your go-to address for all things GEEKSOAP, you’ll be redirected automatically to the new storefront without skipping a beat. I’ll continue to keep my pinktoque Etsy store open for my knit & crochet accessories and patterns… and to send people the message about where to find their beloved geeky soap. So just remember… will get you there! I’ll be updating links and widgets here on The Pink Toque to help. Thankfully all of the features either sent people here to my portfolio or used so I think it’s all good :) I believe that BigCartel will be a much better solution in the long run for the volume we’re working with here.
Ooooh, and there’s some new soap coming soon plus a new “flavor” of the Binary Bar coming out, too. I’m going to hold on and wait to release those after the site has moved to the new storefront, so look for the new stuff coming soon! Plus in celebration of GEEKSOAP’s success and new Facebook Fans and customers (and all of the new products coming out), I’ll be doing a special promo code for FB fans to say thank you :) THANK YOU! <3 Not a fan yet? Head on over and become a fan of The Pink Toque and GEEKSOAP on Facebook!
You also may have noticed that the front page now has two new widgets – one that showcases upcoming events where you can find GEEKSOAP in person, and one that allows you to sign up for the mailing list. I promise your email address is safe with me and won’t be used for anything but to send out occasional messages to let you know about new geeky soap products and other fun things like sales or promos that you can only get by signing up. When you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email to opt in, and you’ll be able to remove yourself completely at any time :) No pressure! Â Just good, clean geeky updates.
Upcoming events for GEEKSOAP include the Handmade Promenade on April 17 in downtown Indy, and … GenCon Indy in August! More details on GenCon as the date get closer, but you won’t want to miss it! The Handmade Promenade will be loads of fun and is being held at Luna Music Midtown for their anniversary. There will be lots of live music and food, plus Upland Brewery will be there. And of course… several fantastic local artists and vendors like GEEKSOAP :) Come on down and check us out on April 17!
Whew! That’s all for now… back soon to show off the new storefront, new products, and loads of other goodies… stay tuned! <3 Remember…!