Asparagus Paper Pack #2
As promised, here’s the second pack of “Asparagus” colour themed paper. If you missed the first pack, check out my previous blog post and grab pack #1 here. Both paper sets are 3600 x 3600 pixels in 300 dpi! And to stick with the theme and release all of the pieces fairly close together, I’ll try to get the asparagus embellishments and mats ready for tomorrow’s post, too. I’ve got posts lined up with freebies to take us well into the middle of next week, I’m so excited! Hopefully you have been (or will) see an improvement on my creation quality — I feel like Photoshop has opened several more possibility doors and that I’m getting better all the time. Enjoy today’s little freebie, and I hope to see you drop by tomorrow to pick up the asparagus embellishments :)
Download “Asparagus” paper pack #2 HERE and have a great Sunday!
Mmm… Asparagus?
I don’t really have a special love for asparagus or anything, (though we do have an inside joke about it) but the name seemed fitting to describe the colours of the paper pack freebie I have for you tonight! You know how I mentioned yesterday that I had a bunch of freebie ideas rolling around in my head? Well this wasn’t one of them, but I got suckered into trying out blends in Photoshop (yes, I said Photoshop… I have been using Paint Shop Pro faithfully all this time and kept resisting the move into Photoshop, but… alas it has suckered me in.) and somehow these papers came to be. This is paper pack #1 of the “Asparagus” colour scheme (in high quality 3600 x 3600 pixels and 300 dpi) and tomorrow I’ll throw up paper pack #2 for you :) The first pack here is all a linen texture and in the second pack I tried messing around with blends and different overlays. Not too bad for my first items in Photoshop! I’ve made a couple elements that go with all of these papers but I’m not done with them yet. Look for them sometime next week!
I have a little knitting and stitching themed kit that’s nearly done, too — done mostly in Paint Shop Pro with one or two items that used the help of some of the capabilities of Photoshop. I think I’ll be using a little of both from now on, at least until I get used to everything in PS. There are some things I can do in PSP that I haven’t quite figured out in PS so there will be a lot of switching between programs until I feel comfortable. I’m pretty excited about some things I learned today and I even started on a mini kit (resulting from some PS experiments with my favourite shades of pink!) that I’ll eventually finish for those of you out there that love pink as much as I do. So many kits on the go and so many more ideas bouncing around in my head that I want to make! There just aren’t enough hours in the day.
To snag Asparagus linen paper pack #1, click HERE. Hope you like it :) Don’t forget to read the TOU, blah blah you know the routine. Personal, non-commercial use only and all that. Enjoy! And be sure to leave me a note if you liked the paper :)
Retro Teal Freebie
A new freebie, yay! While it’s obvious that pink is my favourite colour, I’m pretty passionate about certain shades of teal or sea green. It just seems like a summery colour (and even goes well with pink & brown!) — I may have to come up with a set that uses all three of these colours, but for today I have a little mini kit for you that I’ve dubbed “Retro Teal.” It comes with 6 papers and 15 elements in several various shades of yummy sea green. Just the refreshing kick you need to supplement or complement your digital scrapbooking this week.
A Day at the Beach Freebie
I am so excited — Lucas and I are packing up the boys (our dogs, Oliver & Winston) and taking a road trip to Penticton, British Columbia later this week to spend some time with friends and visit with Lucas’ family. We try to hit Penticton at least once or twice a year, and this weekend seems to be the last chance that we’ll have to make a summer trip with a new busy season starting at work soon for Lucas. Not to mention a new school year is quickly approaching and teachers go back August 28. So we’ll be spending Thursday – Monday soaking up the sun!
The last two times we’ve gone to Penticton were either in the fall or spring. It’s been 2 years since we were able to time our trip to enjoy the best part of being in Penticton: the beaches in the summer! When we went in the spring and fall of 2007 it was a bit too chilly for Lucas and I to do any real swimming, but Oliver sure enjoyed chasing the waves and experiencing the beach for the first time. He did some swimming, but we weren’t really prepared. We’ve been looking forward to going out when the weather was kind enough that the lake would be an enjoyable temperature for the whole family, and that’s our plan for this week. Even more exciting is that now it will be little Winston’s first trip to the beach. We’re hoping for some really memorable photo opportunities as he touches sand for the first time or comes in contact with his first wave. We’re sure Winston will be fearless once he sees his big brother swimming. Aren’t we a little sad? We’re getting all camera crazy and excited about our dog experiencing the beach for the first time. Can you imagine how we’ll be when we have actual kids?! Haha.
Anyway, in honour of our upcoming trip I’ve made a little mini kit freebie for you all called “A Day at the Beach” … because we’ll be spending several entire days at the beaches of Penticton this weekend! The kit includes a 3600 x 3600 pixel 300 dpi overlay “frame” for your photograph with “A Day at the Beach” written around it. Layer this onto a great beach photo and enjoy the effect of the letters cut out onto your picture! In the preview image above I used a photo of Oliver checking out the beach at Lake Skaha in Penticton in the spring of 2007, just to give you an idea of the effect you can get from the overlay when you use your own photos. Along with the giant overlay comes 4 elements: two sand-filled glass brads (square and circle), a sand button and a starfish object. I’ve included a little how to for using the overlay in case anyone has any questions. You can download the mini kit HERE, and be sure to leave me some blog comment love if you do :) Enjoy the freebie and enjoy your week! <3
New Freebie: Bubbles!
TWO freebies in one day?! Be sure to read the post just before this one to also grab the “My First Tattoo” minikit! :)
With teaching done for the summer, I’ve picked up an office job to keep me busy during my “off season” so I’ve not posted in a bit. But what do I do in my spare time at work? Plan out freebie kits I want to design when I get home! And that’s where “Bubbles” comes in.
My newest freebie is my biggest one yet, and even includes my very first alpha! Everything is made in 300 dpi and the background papers are 3600 x 3600 pixels. “Bubbles” includes 4 background papers, 1 glassy blue capital letter alpha, and 27 elements total! And what kind of elements are we talking about? Well, let’s see… brads, bubble frames, seahorse metal frames, doodle swirls, scalloped journaling paper, seahorse buttons galore, and several ribbons… too many things to list and picture in the preview image, that’s for sure! All in a cool summery blue palette (with a hint of lime!) that will make you wish you were lounging beach-side someplace exotic.
Give “Bubbles” a try and see what you think! If you download, please give me some blog comment love and feel free to leave me feedback so I can make even better freebies in the future. As always, everything is completely free* for personal use to thank those out there who so freely share their own designs, knowledge and kindness with the digital scrapbooking community… thank you for being my inspiration! Download here and enjoy!
* Don’t forget to read the TOU included with all freebies. Everything is free for personal, non-commercial use, but do not redistribute the files or claim them as your own! Don’t forget to give credit where credit is due if you make something with this kit and post it somewhere. Full TOU can be found zipped up inside the kit. If you have any questions about it, don’t hesitate to ask. :) Thanks!
Freebie: My First Tattoo
In honour of my real first tattoo, I made a mini digital scrapbooking kit! With this being a first in my life, I wanted to of course scrapbook the event, but I couldn’t seem to find much in terms of kits about tattoos that sparked my interest. When all else fails, make your own, right? So that’s what I did. I got my tattoo last weekend (it’s just smaller than a quarter and in a discreet location, for those that know me personally hehe, nothing major or something you’re going to notice!) and have been putting this together bit by bit as the week has gone on. I need to get my layout together using it, but I thought I’d put this out there in case someone else could find a use for it or even just some of the elements for their own scrapbooking endeavours :)
“My First Tattoo” is made in 300 dpi with the background papers measuring in at 3600 x 3600 pixels. The mini kit includes 6 background papers and 21 elements. Stay tuned — with all of these freebies I need to take some time to actually put together the layout ideas I have in mind for them and scrap my own stuff to share. If you make any cool layouts with any of my freebies please do share by sending me an email or commenting and linking me… I’d love to show them off here, too! The download can be found HERE (zip file), and a note when you nab it here on my blog would be great :) Thanks and enjoy!
P.S. … I’ve got another freebie to give away today, too! Stay tuned for “Bubbles” ….
Two New Freebies: Fabric Brads & Summer String Doodles
I think I’ve become obsessed with creating digital scrapbooking elements. It’s all I’m doing in my spare time! I’ve been working through the various tutorials over at Scrap Stuff with PSP and I can’t get enough of Shawna’s knowledge. Today I have two mini freebie element packs to give away: fabric brads and summery string doodles :) Lucky you, you guys will get all of the things I’m making as I learn, haha. That could be good or bad considering I’m doing better at some things than others lol.
The fabric brads element pack includes 20 fabric brads in all various shades of colours. It’s the perfect complement to any page! Summer string doodles are just that: doodles made from arranging string into summery shapes. I imagine them adding a little spunk to a child’s layout perhaps. I was test driving Shawna’s string tutorial and somehow ended up with these. I guess summer is on my mind! And it’s no surprise — the weather has been beautiful lately :) Both element packs created in 300dpi. Snag the fabric brads HERE (zip file) and the string doodles HERE (also zip). Enjoy! Hope you like them :)
133 people (117 rar/16 zip) have downloaded the Neapolitan minikit I gave away in my last post, which blows me away! I’m glad that so many have given it a go, and the positive comments I’ve received here and on the files at 4shared make me glow with happiness. Thank you! Sheila has created her own layout using it and isn’t it fab? Her layout is fantastic! (And I’m not just saying that because my husband is one of the subjects of her photos, lol). She is patiently and eagerly awaiting her own ordered copy of My Memories Suite … my goal is to convert everyone, it’s such awesome software for creating digital scrapbooks! One day, My Memories Suite and I will take over the world. Ok maybe not. But I better tear myself away from creating digital elements… these wedding thank you cards won’t make themselves!
My First Digi Scrapping Freebie: Neapolitan
Woooo, I’m proud to release my very first freebie for all of you digi scrappers out there: Neapolitan, inspired by my favourite ice cream (which just so happens to be my favourite colour combination as well — can’t you tell?)
I’d be nowhere without the magic of Shawna over at Scrap Stuff with PSP Tutorials, though. She is the inspiration and reason this freebie was made possible. I just started learning how to make my very own digital scrapbooking elements today, and because of her amazingly generous tutorials I’m starting to get the hang of it! Thank you, Shawna, for sharing your PSP knowledge so freely and giving so much to the community. I can’t wait to work on more of her tutorials and to learn even more tips and tricks to creating great freebies so that I can give back to the digi scrapping community.
The Neapolitan minikit contains three background papers and twelve elements. Everything is done in 300 dpi, and the backgrounds are 2400×2400. Everything was created in Paint Shop Pro 8. Please be kind as it’s only my first freebie. I know I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m confident I’ll only get better from here :)
Download Neapolitan HERE! (.rar file) — if you prefer .zip, click HERE instead. :) If you download, please give me some blog comment love! I’m completely and totally open to any comments, suggestions or other constructive criticism… it will help me learn :) If you have any problems with any of the files, just let me know. I hope to be able to put together some other freebies in the near future, so stay tuned! Thanks for all of your support and enjoy! <3